I've decided to become a polymath.
The more comfortable role in my life is the life as a student. I could never outgrow being a student. All I ever felt fit for doing is learning, learning, and more learning. I don't remember ever consciously apply what I learned. But at 40, I think I'm aging gracefully and becoming a better person because of all the learning I was doing throughout. My life is a serial misadventure - personal life, work everything. At 40, I feel I got a grip and settling in my life. A very late boomer. Figures why at 40, suddenly polymath has interested me. As far as I can remember, I read everything I can get my hands on. My family reads a lot, but the problem was none of them bothered to get me comics in my early years. so, I started studying novels and fiction directly from 10. Though they are social novels, there won't be any violence or sleaze in that; all are classical in that respect. I grew up reading all the Tamil novels and Vedanta treatise, only those kinds my family had. At 12 ...